Monday 1 November 2010

Gypsy Hand Grenades, DMT and the Holy Ghost...

I found myself walking in the dead of night up the street where I used to live with my father. On all sides of the road and on the front lawns and driveways of the houses unsavoury gypsy-type characters were camped, in small tents, in sleeping bags, in small groups huddled around open fires. Their children played naughtily around the parked vehicles and with the wheely bins.

I had in my possession explosive devices, and I had apparently been planting them in opportune places whilst trying to avoid being caught by the campers. It seemed to be my mission to destroy their efforts by sneaking around and laying these bombs.

I made it to the top of the hill and out of the area where the campers were and realised for the first time that the road was wet around my feet as if from a burst water main, and the water was flowing the direction I was walking. I carried on walking around a bend in the road and took a turn down one of the side streets, just as I heard a loud and slightly distant bang which I was certain was from the explosions going off that I had set, eliminating the sinister trespassers from the lower section of road.

At the end of the road I noticed the first difference between the dream landscape and its waking-life counterpart: where the housing development finished, behind which should have been fields and trees, there was instead the vista of a huge city lit up at night with the image being reflected in a body of water sat between the houses and the cityscape.

I walked along the path through the houses taking me to the very end of the street and looked down at my feet again, this time to discover the water had become stronger and more voluminous, and was flowing along the path I had taken leading to this body of water. In fact, as I stopped at a concrete precipice overlooking the lake in front of me and taking one last look behind and down again at my feet, the water was now strong enough to move me along and push me over the edge into the lake.

The instant I plunged into the water an incredible thing happened: the dark of night lifted and was replaced in a flash by bright beaming daylight and clear blue skies; the water around me was alive and vivid and fresh to the point where I could feel the spray on my face; the old streets and houses had completely vanished and were replaced on all sides by beautiful buildings, weeping willows and the like. The entire sequence became incredibly realistic and charged with significance as if a switch had suddenly been flipped, and the whole episode was accompanied by a feeling of euphoria and "things all fitting together". It only lasted a few seconds however before I felt as if I was being pulled out of my ecstatic dream state and forced awake.

I awoke in my bedroom to a visual overlay of semi-transparent geometric forms being imposed over my regular sight. The bold shape in the middle was of a rotating circular mandala, with a cog-like centre that rotated the opposite direction at a slightly different speed, and various other minor shapes around it. I was frozen with surprise, having not experienced a psychadelic visual of this nature before, but having encountered similar experiences in literature regarding mystical visions and experiences reported by users of certain hallucinogens, particularly DMT and shamanic formulas derived from datura, peyote and other naturally occuring vegetation.

This visual display went on for 30 seconds or a minute before a faint droning noise that I had been aware of began to pick up volume and become unbearably loud and intense to the point of being highly unnerving and causing a strong fearful response in me. I was overwhelmed by the cutting of the whirring sound and felt it beginning to consume me as I started fading out of consciousness and into the noise. I violently shook myself to resist the onset of the altered state that I felt myself being pulled into such was the level of fear I was experiencing, and the noise subsided and left.

The visuals were still rotating slowly in the semi-transparent overlay that sat like a sheet of acetate over my regular vision, and in the absence of the whirring noise I became very aware of a strong presence in the room with me. The presence was that of a small child which I perceived to be at my side as I laid in bed, either as if laying next to me, or actually being a part of me, I could not discern. I can only relate the presence of the child to the Holy Spirit as the child Jesus, being that it was such a pure and holy feeling that accompanied it.

At one point I became faintly aware of a trio of presences in the room, as if standing around me, but this feeling was faint and was far over-shadowed by the presence of the small child who was a part of me/laying next to me.

I have never experienced these types of visuals before in my life, neither the whirring sound that accompanied it or the intense feeling that had I not violently resisted I would have been pulled into a full-blown vision, nor the strong and very holy presence of a small child which here I can only equate with the Holy Spirit and which was quite remarkable.

The dream and subsequent experience occurred during the first week of working a new job which is itself very much tied in with what I believe is a life-calling for me and a way in which I may contribute by helping those in need, and I took it as a sign that I had set foot on the path I was meant to be on, and that I had the blessing and presence of God as I moved forward on this new path. It was definitely one of the most varied and significant mystical experiences I have encountered and the one I can most readily and obviously associate with Jesus Christ being that it was so intensely charged with positive holy energy and revolved around the presence of a holy child. In this sense it can probably be viewed as my most spiritually positive experience, if not necessarily my most impacting or memorable.

Date experienced: Mar/Apr 2010

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